6842 Northland Dr. Stanwood, MI 49346
This Sunday is Starburst Sunday, so plan to bring in some canned goods or boxed items. You may place them on the altar as you enter the sanctuary.
Scheduled for Thursday, February 20th from 6-8pm. Please bring your favorite table games and a finger food to share together. If you are able to help with organizing this evening, please mark it on your connection card in the bulletin.
February is Baby Bottle month. During the month you will have opportunity to fill a baby bottle (or two) with money, coins, cash, check, etc. This is a great way to help support the Life Resources Center. Continue to fill your baby bottles with cash/coins for the Life Resources Pregnancy center and return it to the church on Sunday, February 23rd.
The UPWARD Celebration Sunday will be Sunday, March 16th. Worship Service at 10:30am followed by a Sloppy Joe Luncheon at 11:30am in the fellowship hall.
Cheryl will be working on the 2025 church directory during the next few weeks. If you would like to be in the directory and have not filled out a form, there are still some available on the table in the church foyer. Once filled out, you can leave on the desk in the office.
Would you like to read through the Bible in a year? There are two different opportunities available to you on the table in foyer. You can choose either the Bible Recap or the Five Day Bible Reading Plan (or both).
We are looking for anyone who may have an interest in being a Host/Liturgist for the Worship Service on Sundays. Please let Cheryl know in the office if you would like to participate in this way.
Stay connected and informed with our Northland Text Line (TWILIO). Now you can receive prayer requests and event updates and cancellations right to your phone. To activate, simply text “YES” to 866-875-9134. If you have any questions about the service, or have difficulty registering, please contact the church office at 231-823-2300.
Sunday Mornings at 10:30